As part of the "Expose" pillar, during a career talk employees will talk about their occupations and therefore give participants insights into their profession and how to access them, including sessions on gender stereotypes or future of work. During this Workshop they will learn about their Personality Traits and Transferable Skills and how these add value to career development.
5.3.1 Objectives
By the end of this Workshop, the participants will be able to:
- Explain in a broader context, the key requirements, and elements for successful career development
- Explain the difference between Personality Traits and Transferable Skills and how these are important for specific job roles and career development
5.3.2 Target Audience and volunteers
The target audience for this module are young people from vulnerable communities who are transitioning from school to the world of work. The organizations SOS children’s Villages International and Teach for All Network will nominate the participants that would benefit from this intervention.
5.3.3 Number of Participants
The suggested maximum number of participants is 20 as the current timing and interaction has been defined for this number of participants. To support the students the suggestion is to have one volunteer for each 3 to 4 participants. Volunteers can help with the breakout groups and support the students on an individual level if needed.
A larger group of participants is possible, but this will have an impact on the classroom size, the duration of the activities and the number of volunteers required.
5.3.4 GoTeach Library Materials
More detailed insights and information on this activity can be found in the materials from our GoTeach library below.