Volunteer recognition
Volunteers are the heart and soul of GoTeach. It’s their enthusiasm and hard work that can turn the GoTeach program’s vision into reality. GoTeach volunteers donate their time because they believe in GoTeach’s cause. They often see their work as reward.
At the same time, taking the time to recognize volunteers is important if you want to retain volunteers and recruit new ones. One of the best ways to demonstrate the importance of volunteering is to ensure volunteers’ contributions are recognized, valued and accounted for to make volunteers feel they are part of the GoTeach community.
The GoTeach Regional Managers are responsible for ensuring that ongoing recognition of volunteers takes place. They can designate or nominate GoTeach Ambassadors on country level to be responsible for the recognition of volunteers.
Recognition efforts vary from an informal "thank you" to more formal events. Informal recognition
Some ways you may give recognition to GoTeach volunteers are listed below:
- Adequately orientate volunteers - visits to the partner organizations
- Encourage volunteer participation in planning
- Provide training
- Give additional responsibility
- Enable volunteers to 'grow' on the job
- Include volunteers in special events
- Take the time to explain and listen to volunteer's ideas and concerns
- Celebrate achievements and efforts
- Keep volunteers informed via newsletter
- Send birthday and Christmas cards
- Allocate notice board space to applaud volunteer achievement
- Work with the Internal Communications team to highlight volunteer achievement during the week of the United Nations’ International Volunteer Day on December 5 Formal recognition
Formal annual recognition varies from different levels of participation in GoTeach. GoTeach has defined four different roles:
- GoTeach Ambassadors lead the program for their country, planning, coordinating and executing GoTeach activities, motivating and inviting other colleagues to get involved
- GoTeach Supporters authorize the execution of the program as part of their regular function or promote the program at local/regional level, e.g. contact in Finance or Procurement, Country Manager, Regional CEO
- GoTeach Champions make a regular commitment to GoTeach through mentoring or participating in regular activities over the year
- GoTeach Volunteers deliver GoTeach activities, acting as role models to young people. They run, host, facilitate and take part in GoTeach activities locally. When?
- Once a year, at the end of all activities in November or December
- During a formal event, e.g. town hall meeting Official types of recognition by role:
Role | Criteria | Format of recognition - what do they get? |
GoTeach Ambassadors | A select number of colleagues who:
GoTeach pin with card
GoTeach Supporters | A select number of colleagues who authorize the execution of the program as part of their regular function or promote the program at local/regional level. | At the end of the year:
GoTeach Champions | Colleagues who make meaningful commitment to young people by:
At the end of the year:
GoTeach Volunteers | All colleagues who make a commitment to young people by:
At the end of the year:
Chapter lead | Leigh Swartz |